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An Outside Perspective on the Rare Coin – Third Party Comments on Crypto Traders Coming in the Rare Coin Market.

Hello from Texas,  We normally voice our own opinion here at From time to time it's nice to get perspective from a third party. Take a minute to read some excerpts from Charles Passy's 1.15.22 MarketWatch article. The beauty of this article is; it cements the fact that new money coming in puts pressure on a market that has a static supply of product. Which in turn helps prices go up. This is paper money turning into gold and silver-real value assets, not numbers on computer screens. With prices for some rarities in the millions of dollars, collectible coins are becoming a hot item The numismatic market has seen tremendous growth since the start of the pandemic, with cryptocurrency investors even … [Read more...]

Inflation Reached 31-Year Highs in October

Jerome Powell suggests it’s time to stop describing inflation as ‘transitory’ So now we know...Inflation isn’t going anywhere — but prices certainly are. The latest Consumer Price Index for October recorded a 6.2 percent increase.  It's the largest increase in over 30 years and far outpaced economists’ expectations of a 5.9 percent spike. October's data represents months of faster rising prices, compared to levels the U.S. economy has seen in years.  Consumers are starting to notice the increasing bite that rising food prices are starting to take out of their monthly budgets. Nearly 60 percent said that grocery stores were where they saw the most dramatic price increases. According to an October survey of US consumers by Bank of America … [Read more...]

Watch Me Pull A Massive Spending Bill Out Of My Hat!

Before the morning sun painted my Texas sky with an artistic hue of orange and yellow, I began the daily jaunt through my favorite sources of information and written opinions. I have a cache of writers and news sources I respect and trust to have the insight necessary to prepare for the coming barrage of questions I am faced with daily. I read both sides of opinions on arguments that shape our current landscape of societal and economic chaos.In trying to make sense and direction of the mass of information, true, and mis, I am reminded of a good friend of mine who is quite adept at the art of magic. One evening, after a casual display of his sleight of hand, in summary, he explained to me that the key to illusion was distraction. To … [Read more...]

Bank of America Calls Gold “Ultimate Store of Value” Raises Target Price to $3000 oz

The Fed cannot print gold , unlike every other asset. Bank of America has caught up with where we have been for the past few years. "As central banks and governments double their balance sheets and fiscal deficits, we up our 18 month target from $2000 to $3000/oz" We believe it's clear now that even Wall Streets agenda is lining up with all of those who have been calling that the biggest winner of the central bank insanity will be the "barbarous relic". Gold. Now with the Fed committing to do whatever it takes to prevent widespread panic and bankruptcies in the US, Congress injecting 5 plus trillion stimulus and economic growth at a crawl until there is a cure or vaccine inflation could rise even if GDP … [Read more...]

The New Heavy Weight Champion of the Coin World

A 1933 Double Eagle, America’s last gold coin struck for circulation, sold for a record-shattering $18.9m at auction in New York this month. The only 1933 Double Eagle ever allowed to be privately owned, was expected to pull in somewhere along the lines of $10m to $15m at the auction but sold for far beyond that. This double eagle represents the new pinnacle of price paid for a U.S. coin. It is the latest in a long line of million dollar plus rarities to trade hands this year.The numismatic market is as hot as it's ever been. There are many "sleeper" coins out there that have the potential to be one of these million dollar coins in the future. American Rare Coin is dedicated to building rare coin portfolios based on our clients goals. … [Read more...]

Rare Coin Market Update April, 2021

In our last update, we reported news of serval classic United Statesrarities trading in excess of the million dollars mark. Five of them from2-9 million. Very impressive to say the least. Although even moreremarkable; the buyer was a newb – He had never acquired a singlerare coin prior!This is a dead giveaway that the high-end rare coin market is as we sayin Texas “hot as blue blazes”. If these transactions are not enough toconvince, just look at the latest smash from a sale in Las Vegas lastmonth. An 1822 half eagle sold for hammer price of 8.4 million. Inaddition to these public sales, there have been numerous private treatydeals we have been privy to. These have ranged from 250k to beyond5 million for single coins.We feel like all areas … [Read more...]

Rare Coin Market 2021….The New Normal?

The market is in a new never before seen state change. The pandemic has all but ended major coin shows. There has not been a major show in over a year. This is a huge change in the way we buy coins for our customers. Auction houses have taken the spotlight in placing important rarities with collectors via online sales. This is not a totally new phenomena but it is gaining more and more traction. These sales are not always ideal for our customers since many of the coins are sold sight unseen. Not only sight unseen, but with no return policy. If you buy a coin, receive it, then realize it doesn’t fit the images and description seen on line, you have to keep it. Not the best scenario in our opinion. This is why it’s more important than … [Read more...]

Welcome to 2021

Happy New Years! Since Covid-19 came on the scene in the US, the price of gold has skyrocketed to almost $2,000 per ounce. The US dollar has fallen 9% since March, leading to a run on gold by those concerned about the future of the greenback. Since February, the nation has seen a $3 trillion increase on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, raising alarm bells for impending inflation as the economy opens up. With no viable solution in sight, demand for gold will continue to rise, boosting value and making it a portfolio necessity in 2021.  Biden’s win, combined with a possible divided government, is likely to create uncertainty around the size of future fiscal stimulus measures and a boon to safe haven assets like gold. Investors should … [Read more...]

Inflation Creating a Buy Gold Event

Mitch McConnell said Wednesday that “we need another rescue package,” and that he hopes one can be done “before the end of the year.   The democrats want a $2 trillion to $3 trillion stimulus package. Any McConnell-approved plan would be less than what a Democratic-led Senate would endorse, but markets still expect it to be significant. This is on top of $4 trillion the Fed printed and handed out earlier this year. Keep in mind this is only the United States we are discussing, There are many other governments around the globe doing the same. The outcome has no choice except to cause inflation. When inflation rises, the value of currency goes down and people tend to hold money in the form of gold.  In times when inflation remains high … [Read more...]

United States Mint Press Release

Join us in recognizing the work of U.S. Mint Medallic Artist Michael Gaudioso. A graduate of The University of the Arts and New York Academy of Art, Michael executed the sculpts required to produce numerous coins & medals including the reverse of the 2021 American Eagle Silver Coin . Watch for the pre-release coming soon from American Rare Coin. … [Read more...]

American Rare Coin and Bullion